How does it work?

L.E.D light therapy, Cavitation and Radio Frequency are used to break down the fat cells and then manual massage is used to encourage the body's lymphatic to naturally drain. Inches of fat can be shed as well as improving skin tone, reducing cellulite, and activating collagen production.

Our brand endeavors to allow anyone, anywhere, to get the figure they desire at a price they can afford.

1st Stage - LED Therapy

L.E.D light therapy speeds up cell production, making skin regenerate faster and resulting in more youthful and fresher looking skin.

L.E.D pads and Lymph Stimulation Pads are placed on treated areas securing them with elastic bands.

Completely painless procedure where you do not even feel anything!

2nd Stage - Cavitation

The ultrasonic sound waves power a vibration which creates a bubbling
effect into the subcutaneous layers of the skin, breaking down the unwanted fat cells into fatty acids and glycerol triglycerides which can then be naturally drained by the body's own filtration system, the liver.

Sound wave vibration causes fierce impact of fat cells making them explode instantly. This reduces the amount of fat cells and thereby achieves the effects of removing fat and reducing cellulite. The fat cells will usually rupture at around 40K pluses per second. Once the fat cells have been broken down, they are transported to the liver and metabolised.

3rd Stage - Radio Frequency

Radio Frequency stimulates the skin’s own natural renewal of collagen, resulting in smoother, tighter and younger looking skin and the best thing is radio frequency delivers great, visible results from the very first treatment.

The wand gently heats the lower levels of the skin to approximately
40°c tricking the brain into thinking there has been a potential injury consequently stimulating a healing response. This causes increased collagen production and the tightening of elastin fibers.

4th Stage - Vacuum Suction

Vacuum suction causes stimulation of the underlying structures. It is aimed at improving blood flow and Lymph circulation. Lymph fluid transports metabolic waste and fatty materials via the lymph nodes and lymphatic system.

Vacuum suction improves lymphatic drainage and blood circulation.